Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Time Traveler's Wife

This post has nothing to do with my previous posts but I can't stop thinking about this movie. I watch The Time Traveler's Wife last night and now I am confused about the whole thing. It has Rachel McAdam's in it so I knew it was going to be good, she was great but the plot was confusing. The main character Henry is a time traveler and you never know when he is going to leave or where he is going. Rachel plays Clare who falls in love with Henry when she is six. But when she is six he is in his 20s. He comes to visit her on his time travels and they soon meet in real life. Confusing I know. Through out the whole film I was trying to figure out if it was present day or if he was traveling. Once I figured out that it was present day, I was then trying to figure out how old Henry was. The day of their wedding he traveled right before the ceremony, when he returned his hair was grey. Then they want to have a baby. She gets pregnant twice but looses both babies because the baby is a time traveler and leaves the womb. Henry has a vasectomy because he doesn't want Clare to go through this again. Strange and confusing. Here is the kicker and the part that has me very confused. She gets a call in the middle of the night from Henry to come pick him up. When he gets in the car he says where is Henry. They have a conversation about fighting over the baby. Then they have sex and she gets pregnant. She tells Henry a week later that she is pregnant and she says its not like I cheated on you. No she didn't cheat because it was the same man just younger and before the vasectomy. This film was a cute love story and I love Rachel McAdam's but this was way too confusing. I read some things online to clear it all up but that didn't help much either. Now I want to read the book and see if it's confusing as well. This film reminds me of the Lake House with Sandra Bullock. That was confusing as well because they lived in the same lake house, but in different time periods. Why are these women chasing men that are never there. Confusing to me but I guess it was a good movie if it stuck with me this much.