Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Banking on Facebook?

We already connect with friends on Facebook to share photos, videos, text updates and Web links, but might we also use the service to exchange money? This is the statement that started off the article, Why I'm Banking on Facebook. All we have to do it add the Buxter ap to our facebook page and we can send US dollars and Euros to our friends. The article then states, Buxter is unlikely to take Facebook by storm: While handy for settling a dinner or drinks bill between friends, it would prove truly useful only if all of your Facebook connections were to join. Facebook then credits themselves in the article stating facebook already has "facebook credits" meaning you can purchase things for farmville or send virtual gifts to your friends. I think thought doesn't this make paypal useless? Well, the article states that you can use your paypal account to purchase items on facebook. I just don't understand all of this and I also see no need. I would not spend money on farmville just so I can plant a different crop. Where does my money go? The article never touched on that...strange. The article ended in this statement, "If you imagine friends settling the dinner bill using Facebook credits the next morning, you're perhaps missing another major social networking trend: mobile." Meaning facebook users are now using more on their phones then ever. Can you imagine using facebook credits to buy dinner? Does anyone think this is going to far? Is this the next advancement? Maybe it is or maybe this will flop completely, but lets face it there are people out there who will use this. Here is a link to the facebook credits page and there is more explanation on there.

This video is funny because we all know it's true.