Thursday, March 25, 2010


Faye Dunaway who played Diana Christensen in the film Network was a strong woman character. Being the main woman working for UBS, she stood up for what she wanted and usually got it. She stood up to the men and presented her ideas strong and in their face. She was a woman who lived for her career and nothing else. She was always talking about her ideas, the ratings, and the shares made by UBS. Most people like to leave their work at work, but Diana took it with her everywhere. She even took it into the bedroom with her. Just talking about work is simple enough to get her off. She was constantly yelling, talking on the phone, and seducing every man that came her way. All of these things Diana did shows me that the network business was cut throat. You had to be dedicated or you wouldn't last. You also had to be insensitive at times, well most of the time. It was clear that Howard Beale was having a break down on television and needed help. Max told everyone to take him off the air because he needed help. Diana took this as an opportunity to make her career more than what it was. She took advantage of the weak to make herself whole. She took advantage of Max when they had their affair. Yes he consented to it but he was in the wrong state of mind when it happened. She knew he loved his wife, yet she went along with it. I think Diana was afraid of failure so she made her career number one. She was good at it but at the same time she had no compassion for others. She is a good image of how the network is one large competition. She went as far as killing Howard because he was under contract and they couldn't fire him. Talk about a mean woman. Network businesses will forever be one big competition. Diana was the perfect character to show this.

Overall I liked the film because it really shows what goes on behind closed doors and off screen. I think Diana was mad as hell at herself for not having a life that she just couldn't take it anymore and killed Howard. Diana couldn't see there was more to life than the network.