Thursday, February 4, 2010

Who needs to teach it?

Should schools talk to kids about sex or should parents be responsible? Some parents do a great job and informing their kids but some parents who shouldn't even have kids probably don't care. When I was in high school sex education consisted of telling us the body parts and watching a birth. I think we watched the live birth because it was a scare tactic....didn't work for half my graduating class. The heath teacher taught us all the STDs but most of us had no idea how you even got them. I don't think it was even called sex education at my school. It was just a section of material for health class. Plus having an older man teach you about sex is not how you really want to learn it.

Do I think kids should be teach how to use a condom or what birth control is...I am not sure yet. I want to teach middle or high school kids and I don't like the thought of these kids knowing the ends and outs of sex. But at the same time we need to look at it from a birth prevention stand. You can look at this issue as a moral view and I think the school system does this. If it's simply education then what is the problem? Is there a problem with the abstinence only approach?

Watch this video and then you decide.