Monday, February 8, 2010

Nebraska State Law

Nebraska state law does not require sex education. Local school boards decide whether or not to teach sex ed and which subjects. In 2006 Nebraska received $1,256,681 in federal funds for abstinence only until marriage program in 2006. Why doesn't NE take that money and teach kids something valuable. On the web site there is a book being promoted in order to help teens get the sex ed they need in their schools. This book is called Road Map and it gives all the reasons why we should teach sex ed and also we schools are refusing to teach this. I read through most of the book online and I found it to be great. It even gives tips to teachers on how to make the sex conversation less awkward. Most sex ed classes fail to give the information and skills they need to navigate a world that is full of sex.

We need to force schools to teach sex ed the correct way. If students knew all there was to know then maybe teen pregnancy wouldn't be so common. Parents need to step up as well. Making it known all the consequences behind sex will go farther than you know. I feel like NE was given all this money to shut us up and just teach NO SEX. Well we all know kids do lets teach them right.


JackBurns40 said...

The problem is, of course, figuring out what "the right way" is.