Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Why is it at the end of the semester I lose all motivation? The one time I need motivation, it just walks out of the door. I have all these projects to do and for some reason I think they will magically get done. Tonight I worked on a project and got most of it done. If I could just do this every night, I would achieve a lot more. So for the rest of the semester I made a goal to kick it into gear no matter what. Tonight I went to the Y and swam a 500 and that felt great. I even swam it in a good time! I can't walk long distances due to this large blister on my heel, so swimming was my last option. I found great motivation do that and now I hope I can do that with my school work. I wish professors had us do these huge projects in the beginning of the semester. But we all know that is not reality and will never happen. Dead week has it's name for a reason. Bring it on end of the semester...